

Software information


Freeware (Free)


29 Oct 2012



Software Screenshots

Size: 112 KB

Downloads: 4603

Platform: Windows (All Versions)

Review by Jerome Johnston (Cybersecurity Editor)

on 24 Apr 2012

There are situations in which you may need to capture the desktop and save it as an image file. Maybe for displaying an error message to the producer of an application or for remembering some important information which otherwise cannot be saved as text file or copied into clipboard. But for capturing, Windows is definitely not enough. That's because there are too many steps required for saving a captured image of the desktop. Step one involves pressing the Print Screen key, then pasting the image into MS Paint, and then saving the screenshot as an actual image file. Still, there are applications which simplify the process of capturing the desktop. Yascu is one of those applications.

This Windows program can be run directly, without needing to install it into the system. This will make the application able to run from a USB memory stick. After clicking on the program's executable file, the user will be presented with a simple graphical interface, which allows capturing the desktop by clicking on a single button. There are a lot of options for customizing the capturing process.

As such, the user can activate a timer, for capturing the desktop after a certain amount of seconds. This will allow him to prepare the window of the desired application that needs to be captured. Besides that, there are numerous capturing modes available, as one can choose to capture the complete desktop, a certain selected region, an active window, the clipboard contents and so on. After the image has been captured, it can be previewed in the program's window, to make sure that it's all right. Unfortunately, Yascu can save a screenshot only in the JPEG format.

It allows capturing the desktop and saving it as an image file using a single click. Besides that, there are several capturing methods available, for example, the full desktop, an active window, a selected region and so on. Furthermore, the captured image can be previewed inside the program's interface. What's more, a timer can be configured to go off before the desktop is actually captured.

The program can only save the captured desktop as a JPEG file.

Yascu allows you to capture the desktop in numerous ways and save it as an image file, using a single mouse click.



Yascu Awards

Yascu Editor’s Review Rating

Yascu has been reviewed by Jerome Johnston on 24 Apr 2012. Based on the user interface, features and complexity, Findmysoft has rated Yascu 5 out of 5 stars, naming it Essential


out of 5